Strategic Collaboration

China-Britain Artificial Intelligence Association (CBAIA) is a not-for-profit organization, with the aim of establishing a platform and a community where UK-based Chinese Artificial Intelligence professionals and researchers can share industrial and academic resources and knowledge. CBAIA was cofounded by 18 Chinese professionals located in London (please visit ‘Executive Committee‘), who are passionate about the development of Artificial intelligence and the collaboration between China and UK. With its strong network connection and the support from the artificial intelligence community, CBAIA has 400+ experienced and well-connected fellows and members.

The strategic collaboration between ZIBS and CBAIA not only strengthens the close ties between our institutions in the field of technology but also infuses new vitality into ZIBS's innovative ecosystem. By jointly organizing seminars, UK forums, research projects, and related initiatives, we are working hand in hand to provide robust support in confronting the challenges of the future.
Not-For-Profit Organization


AI Community
Knowledge Sharing Platform
Strategic Collaboration