Cultural Exchange


"Culture is the widening of the mind and of the spirit. " – Jawaharlal Nehru  
Cultural exchange is at the heart of what we do. We celebrate the unique cultural heritage of China and Africa, fostering mutual understanding and appreciation through:
  • Art and Culture Exhibitions: Our cultural events showcase the art, music, literature, and traditions of both regions, creating opportunities for cultural immersion and appreciation.
  • Language Programs: We offer language learning programs to encourage cross-cultural communication.
  • Cultural Festivals: Our festivals bring together communities to celebrate diversity and unity through music, dance, and cuisine.


ZIBS China-Africa Center is officially launched! In the future, ZIBS will further enhance the China-Africa cooperation in various academic and business fields.
Prof. BEN Shenglin and Benjamin Dogani  was invited to attend the SMART Africa Summit in Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe.
ZIBS China Africa Center delegation visited Ant Group to explore relevant cooperation between ZIBS, Ant Group, and the University of Pretoria's Gordon Institute of Business Science (GIBS).
ZIBS, guided by the China- Africa Center and the New Development Bank, organized a one-day commemoration event with workshops and round tables to discuss the most pressing challenges in BRICS countries and commemorate the 60th anniversary of the African Union. 
On May 30, 2023, the Zhejiang Africa Service Center and the National View Think Tank visited ZIBS to conduct in-depth discussions on the cooperation project between Smart Africa, Zhejiang Africa Service Center, and ZIBS.
From August 14th to 18th, the ZIBS delegation was invited to visit South Africa to strengthen existing ecological partnerships and develop new international cooperation opportunities.
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ZIBS Cultural Exchange